Partner with us and help us spread God’s Word. Pray for our pastor and our ministry. Like us on Facebook and remind your friends that God is seeking a personal relationship with them. Your ministry will be a blessing to them and to us as we grow God’s church together.
We’re thankful to those who have enquired about how to support this ministry financially. For your convenience, we’ve listed several ways you can easilly make those donations.
If you’re at the post office, you can drop your donation cheques into the regular mail. Our mailing address is:
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Box 607-108 St. David St., Mitchell, ON, N0K 1N0
You can also leave your offering envelopes in our new locking mailbox beside the church office door. This box is emptied regularly through the day and again in the evenings. Cheques only please.
For those who use online banking, you can email your tithes and offerings to Grace has auto deposit.
You can also make arrangements to automatically contribute funds to the chuch through your financial institution. Please contact the church office directly for the necessary forms
We are offering regular Sunday worship services again at Grace. Feel welcomed to join us in person at any time.